Let me start by saying happy christmas and happy new year to
all my readers the blog has just broken the 10000 hits mark which
to be honest i never expected so many people to view the blog
let alone follow it.
Anyway its been a fantastic year of exploration and discovery for
me in the way my angling has improved and changed.
How i look at angling in general is vastly different than this time last year
i was interested in one thing BASS and only bass would do but now with
the advent of LRF(light rock fishing) and HRF(hard rock fishing) I'm just
under 20 different species this year from micro gobies to proper heart stopping
rock pigs all on lures from 5mm to 9'' .
Its great to see so many different people and nationalities taking up these styles of
angling they really do open up so many different avenues and possibilities in
lure angling all the new blogs that have appeared especially the LRF ones
even a few groups on facebook.
I have to say thanks to the people who were really behind LRF/HRF revolution
and that would be the lads on
jerseybassguides Kevin and Keith White
Their blog has a vast amount of information on it for those who want to know
more about these stlyes
There are others such as Mike Sullivan of
rock-fishing-revolution and Andy Kendrick of
and many more who have openly shared information on techniques with me throughout the year
A huge thanks to all the guys!!
Theres also a new website set up by a bunch of guys who just love to fish for
fun called
luregames.com its all about light lure angling for the craic of it and
not to confuse people by getting overly technical with the whole thing
which i think is a great idea
Right back to Christmas and as everyone knows Santa comes:
He was well.. when i say he i mean my girlfriend Aisling who got me a brand new 2011 Daiwa
Caldia 2506H ...thanks Ash
It really does look and feel the business really smooth with lovely line lay
Its got a load of new features over the older caldia such as mag seal , air rotor , ultimate tournament drag and others a big step up from the exage which in its own right is a very good reel and hasnt let
me down once
I also recieved a load of different lures, hooks and jigheads
some gulpworms, waveworms and senkos |
various hooks and bits |
some big hammer grubs and paddle tails |
2.5'' craws look great for finiky wrasse |
i can see the wrasse loving these so soft with the wave worm scent |
I just need a break in this god awful weather we've been having recently to try these out on
some unsuspecting fish
Its been a great Christmas all in all
Since this is more than likely my last post of the year i just thought i finish by going over my favourite fish of 2011
#1 would have to be my personal best LRF wrasse of 5lb 8oz an absolute pig of a fish which
really tested my LRF gear you can read about it here:
#2 would be my personal best LRF bass of 5lb 8oz which took me by complete surprise and stripped line off the reel with a number of good runs
Well i think i have went on long enough I cant express how much i am looking forward
to the coming year if i learn and achieve half as much as this year its going to be a cracking
one lots to learn and lots to do but i love a challenge
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to all my followers and readers
thanks to you all
Tight Lines